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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Legacy of Power

So, I've been working ocassionally on a pet project. It's current inception is called Legacy of Power, a MMORPRTSG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Real-Time Strategy Game - whew!). It was started under the guise of FeudalSim, but I have since taken my ball and gone to my own playing field.

Please feel free to stop by and check it out. If you're interested in helping, drop me a line. I'm interested in all kinds of help, from system design to concept art. If you're interested in playing, just be patient. You'll likely see something someday.


haiyun211 said...

Didnt know you did this kind of stuff i wish i knew more to be able to contribute but im a terrible drawer and a terrible programmer.

Dave said...

LoP is dead, Jim :(